Soviet Invasion

Russian Leadership’s Obsession with A Delusion

The Russian Leadership is obsessed with a delusion in the Soviet Union’s legitimacy as a nation building model for the people of the land.

How on earth did Joseph Stalin ever become a Russian national hero? When in reality, he was a cruel despotic tyrant without any clue as to what was responsible action for nation-building by the people. People need a reality-based worldview.

Did Joseph Stalin put Russia on the world map? Or did the Russian people people put Stalin on the Russian map?

Similar pattern is unraveling with a delusional Russian president Vladimir Putin 2022.

There must have been a national identity crisis in the people of Russia, not knowing what the reality-based worldview was, to fall for counterfeit or pseudo socialism that was a satanic kingdom under the guise of the Soviet Union State Atheism.

What is a Delusion?

Delusions are defined as fixed, false beliefs that conflict with reality. Despite contrary evidence, a person in a delusional state can’t let go of these convictions.

1. Delusions are often reinforced by the misinterpretation of events. Many delusions also involve some level of paranoia. For example, someone might contend that the government is controlling our every move via radio waves despite evidence to the contrary.

Delusions are often part of psychotic disorders. They may occur along with hallucinations, which involve perceiving something that isn’t really there, like hearing voices or feeling bugs crawling on your skin.


Delusions are characterized by an unshakable belief in things that are not true, and often, there is a continued belief in the delusion despite contrary evidence. Not all delusions are the same. Some might involve non-bizarre beliefs that could theoretically occur in real life. Others may be bizarre, fantastical, or impossible.

The nature of the delusional symptoms may play a central role in the diagnosis. Delusional disorder, for example, is characterized by non-bizarre delusions that often involve the misinterpretation of an experience or perception. In schizophrenia, the delusions may be bizarre and not rooted in reality.

Source. Very Well Mind.


Russian Leadership is obsessed with the Soviet-Russo worldview.

Soviet-Russo Worldview is a false worldview.

It was proven to be false by the Russian people from 1922 to 1991.

The Bolshevik’s anarchy drummed up the rebellious movement in Russia that eventually overthrew the Russian monarchy in 1917.

The Soviet Union State atheism was declared in 1922. See the connection to 2022? Revive the USSR in Russia?

Incorrigibly obstinate people do not receive the Spirit of truth. They are blind and deaf to the Spirit of truth.

Russian obsession with the 1922- 1970’s USSR was a nationalistic fever that motivated and drove some Russians but not all. USSR was idolatrous totalitarian dictatorship that brainwashed people into nationalistic idolatry. In due time making the head of the government a personality cult figure.

 USSR Was Abhorrent Evil Empire on Planet Earth.

Here are only five examples why the Soviet Union was rightly labelled an Evil empire.

1.   Throughout the history of the Soviet Union (1917–1991), there were periods when Soviet authorities brutally suppressed and persecuted various forms of Christianity to different extents depending on State interests.[1] Soviet Marxist-Leninist policy consistently advocated the control, suppression, and ultimately, the elimination of religious beliefs, and it actively encouraged the propagation of Marxist-Leninist atheism in the Soviet Union.

2. The Gulag is recognized as a major instrument of political repression in the Soviet Union. The camps housed a wide range of convicts, from petty criminals to political prisoners, large numbers of whom were convicted by simplified procedures, such as by NKVD troikas or by other instruments of extrajudicial punishment. In 1918–22, the agency was administered by Cheka, followed by the GPU (1922–23), OGPU (1923–34), later by the NKVD (1934–46), and in the final years by the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MVD). The Solovki prison camp, the first corrective labor camp constructed after the revolution, was established in 1918 and legalized by a decree, “On the creation of the forced-labor camps”, on April 15, 1919.

3. The Holodomor (Ukrainian: Голодомо́р, romanized: Holodomor, IPA: [ɦolodoˈmɔr];[2] derived from морити голодом, moryty holodom, ‘to kill by starvation’),[a][3][4][5] also known as the Terror-Famine[6][7][8] or the Great Famine,[9] was a famine in Soviet Ukraine from 1932 to 1933 that killed millions of Ukrainians. The term Holodomor emphasises the famine’s man-made and allegedly intentional aspects such as rejection of outside aid, confiscation of all household foodstuffs and restriction of population movement. As a large part of the wider Soviet famine of 1932–1933 which affected the major grain-producing areas of the country, millions of inhabitants of Ukraine, the majority of whom were ethnic Ukrainians, died of starvation in a peacetime catastrophe unprecedented in the history of Ukraine.[10] Since 2006, the Holodomor has been recognized by Ukraine[11] and 15 other countries as a genocide of the Ukrainian people carried out by the Soviet government.

4. Throughout the history of the Soviet Union, millions of people suffered political repression, which was an instrument of the state since the October Revolution. It culminated during the Stalin era, then declined, but it continued to exist during the “Khrushchev Thaw”, followed by increased persecution of Soviet dissidents during the Brezhnev era, and it did not cease to exist until late in Mikhail Gorbachev’s rule when it was ended in keeping with his policies of glasnost and perestroika.

5. The Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact was a Nazi Germany & USSR Pact of aggression between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union that enabled those two powers to partition Poland between them. The pact was signed in Moscow on 23 August 1939 by German Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop and Soviet Foreign Minister Vyacheslav Molotov and was officially known as the Treaty of Non-Aggression between Germany and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Unofficially, it has also been referred to as the Hitler–Stalin Pact, Nazi–Soviet Pact or Nazi–Soviet Alliance.

Excess mortality in the Soviet Union under Joseph Stalin

Prior to the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the archival revelations, some historians estimated that the numbers killed by Stalin’s regime were 20 million or higher. After the Soviet Union dissolved, evidence from the Soviet archives was declassified and researchers were allowed to study it. This contained official records of 799,455 executions (1921–1953), around 1.7 million deaths in the Gulag, some 390,000 deaths during the dekulakization forced resettlement, and up to 400,000 deaths of persons deported during the 1940s, with a total of about 3.3 million officially recorded victims in these categories. According to historian Stephen Wheatcroft, approximately 1 million of these deaths were “purposive” while the rest happened through neglect and irresponsibility. The deaths of at least 5.5 to 6.5 million persons in the Soviet famine of 1932–1933 are sometimes, though not always, included with the victims of the Stalin era.

USSR Leadership Was Obsessed with A Delusion

Stalin was Incorrigibly obstinate minded person that was dead as a door nail spiritually. He would have been dead as a stone in relation to the Creation in the natural world.

Letter to the city of Rome by Shaul.

“What is revealed is God’s anger from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people who in their wickedness keep suppressing the truth; because what is known about God is plain to them, since God has made it plain to them. For ever since the creation of the universe his invisible qualities — both his eternal power and his divine nature — have been clearly seen, because they can be understood from what he has made. Therefore, they have no excuse; because, although they know who God is, they do not glorify him as God or thank him. On the contrary, they have become futile in their thinking; and their undiscerning hearts have become darkened. Claiming to be wise, they have become fools! In fact, they have exchanged the glory of the immortal God for mere images, like a mortal human being, or like birds, animals or reptiles “.

Russian Leaders Obsessed with a Delusion and Imposing Their Delusions Onto Their Neighbors?

Stalin Became the Role Model for future Russian Tyrants

Imposed the Soviet Union Communism onto their neighbors. USSR military occupied some East European countries for 50 years.

How demented can the Soviet-Russo Worldview be for the Russian leaders to behave arrogant and obnoxious to their neighbors?

 At the same time, Russian President Putin’s narrative to the International media sounds like a recorded loop.

Because he is obsessed with the Soviet-Russo worldview, he does not allow his conscience the freedom to question the legitimacy of the erroneous Soviet-Russo worldview that does violence to the Spirit of the Natural law.

How do we know what a legitimate Worldview is?

An Objective Worldview according to the Spirit of the Natural Law. A reality-based Worldview has to include the intrinsic value of human life. Based on Genesis chapter 1, verses 26, 27.

Genesis 1:26-27 (CJB)

“Then God said, “Let us make humankind in our image, in the likeness of ourselves; and let them rule over the fish in the sea, the birds in the air, the animals, and over all the earth, and over every crawling creature that crawls on the earth.” 

So God created humankind in his own image; in the image of God he created him: male and female he created them”.

A reality-based worldview defended here is logical and rational:  

Reality. Truth-based, factual knowledge about human nature and life on earth.      

Beliefs. What is True?   Objective truth, with the First Principles of Logic.      

Values. What is Right? Morally right, including the intrinsic value of human life.      

Behavior and habits. What is the right behavior?   Morally right behavior. According to a Holy Creator of Life, Elohim.

Worldview is a concept, demarcation, rendition of our conscious perception.

With a reasonable interpretation of the overall world experience that we live in. It has to be proven by experiential knowledge. And not only philosophized with theoretical knowledge.

Life itself is impacting, interacting, and engaging in all levels of the conscious experience of life.

To repress one aspect of material world objective truth from the mind, conscience acknowledgment is possible.  

To suppress inconvenient truth is often favored by the lack of integrity.


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